Residential Property

Supertech twin towers case

This is How Supertech Twin Towers Case will Affect Home Buyers

A major setback to real estate developer Supertech after Supreme Court upheld the decision of Allahabad High Court on 31 August 2021. Making to the headlines of the news, utter chaos was left among the homebuyers concerning investment and completion of other projects. Upholding the concern of homebuyers, we will be running over a quick fact check over the Supertech Twin Towers case outlining a positive...

Why should you invest in Residential Property?

Why should you invest in Residential Property?

Have you ever considered making a real estate investment? Do you know what the advantages of real estate investment are? That is why, before you engage in any investment in your life, you should seek out prospective professionals who can assist you throughout the investing process. You will be able to reach your objectives more quickly with the assistance of a realtor or a real estate...

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